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1st Day Somme KIA 1st KOSB

British War & Victory Medal, Memorial Plaque, 20862 Private John Connor, 1st Battalion King’s Own Scottish Borderers, Killed in Action 1st July 1916, First Day Battle of the Somme.

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SKU: J8951 Category:
Origin: United Kingdom
Nearly Extremely Fine


British War & Victory Medal, Memorial Plaque, 20862 Private John Connor, 1st Battalion King’s Own Scottish Borderers, Killed in Action 1st July 1916, First Day Battle of the Somme. 


1914-15 Star erased, for display purposes.

WW1 Pair both correctly officially impressed: “20862 Pte. J. Connor. K.O. Sco. Bord.”

Memorial Plaque embossed: “JOHN CONNOR”


John Connor was killed in action on the First day of the Battle of the Somme, 1st July 1916.


On this day he was serving with the 1st Battalion of KOSB or King’s Own Scottish Borderers.


You can read about the KOSB at the battle here:



The KOSB were part of the 29th Division, 87th Brigade.

Initially placed in the reserve behind the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, they were expecting to advance right behind them in an a successful assault.

The 1st RIF lanced their attack at 7:30 am south of the Y Ravine, but were held up by uncut wire and took heavy casualties from heavy machine gun fire.



John Connor was born circa 1884, the son of John and Mary Connor


The 1st KOSB war diary recalls the heavy casualties and losses sustained on the day as:


Killed, 11 Officers, 83 Men.

Wounded, 9 Officers, 406 Men

Missing, 59 Men.


Leaving a total casualties of 20 Officers and 548 other ranks.


The war diary for the day 


1st July, 7:33 am, 1st Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers commenced attack from front line trenches. Our Battalion to advance when last wave of 1/RIF reached German Wire.


7:40 am, 1/RIF held up by Machine Gun Fire

7:52 am, 1/RIF Attack not progressing. Our Bn moved out under heavy machine gun fire

8:10 am, Our attack not progressing owing to intense enemy machine gun fire, attack on left observed to be equally unsucessful.

8:31am, Advance still going on but being constantly checked

8:38, Enemy heavily shelled Mary Redan.

8:45 am, The attack ceased.”