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AGS Somaliland Petty Officer RN MSM

Africa General Service Medal, EDVII, bar Somaliland 1901-1902, Chief Petty Officer Jesse James Challener Manners, HMS Fox, Royal Navy, received Naval MSM in WW1.

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SKU: J9195 Category:
Origin: United Kingdom
Good Very Fine


Africa General Service Medal, EDVII, bar Somaliland 1901-1902, Chief Petty Officer Jesse James Challener Manners, HMS Fox, Royal Navy, received Naval MSM in WW1. 


Officially impressed: “J.J.C. Manners. P.O. 1. CL. H.M.S. Fox.”


Confirmed on the medal roll.


With copy service papers.


Award of the Naval Meritorious Service Medal (GV Admiral Uniform), announced in the London Gazette 10th June 1919 for his World War 1 Service.


Jesse James Challener Manners was born on 21st July 1873 in Uckfield or Fletching, Sussex.

The son of James Thomas Manners and Agnes Challener (source of his unusual middle name).

He later died during 1931 in Alverstoke, Hampshire.


As a teenager aged 15, he first signed on with the Royal navy on 1st October 1889, where he saw a year of training on the training ship HMS St Vincent, rising to Boy 1st Class there on 2nd October 1890.


Once he turned 17 he could legally sign on for his 12 years terms of engagement on 26th October 1891.


Saw 3 years on HMS Gannet from 8th Jan 1892 until 16th March 1895.


His second proper ship posting would come with a huge rise in his rank, he joined HMS Majestic on 12th September 1896 as an Able Seaman.

During that time he served on board until 17th May 1900 during which he became:

Leading Seaman on 25th October 1896, Petty Officer 2nd Class on 9th August 1897, followed by Petty Officer 1st Class on 27th June 1899.


He would then join HMS Fox from 10th September 1901 until 17th July 1903, where he would earn this medal as Petty officer 1st Class in Somaliland.


He would then become Acting Chief Petty Officer on 1st Jan 1910, then Chief Petty Officer on 1st January 1911.


Finally having complete 21 years of service, he was discharged to pension on 26th October 1913.


This however did not last long, as he was remobilised shortly afterwards on 2nd August 1914 to serve in World War 1 as a Chief Petty Officer.


He served on:

HMS Victory I, 2nd Aug 1914 – 12th May 1917

HMS Majestic, 13th May 1917 – 30th June 1917

HMS Victory I, 1st July 1917 – 17th July 1917

HMS Seahorse, 18th July 1917 – 29th May 1919.


He returned back to retirement being demobilised on 29th May 1919.


He would receive as a parting gift the scarce recently revived Navy variety of the Meritorious Service Medal which has just been reinstituted in 1919, most likely for his service over about 2 years on the Fleet Tug and Rescue Tug.