Distinguished Conduct Medal, GV, 1914 Star with clasp 5th Aug – 22nd Nov 1914, British War and Victory Medal, Army LSGC, GV, 57381 Sergeant T.E. Evans, 116th Battery 26/A Brigade Royal Artillery.
Distinguished Conduct Medal announced in the London Gazette 3rd June 1918 and 21st October 1918:
“For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty.
During the period under review his fine example of gallantry and devotion to duty has in no small degree helped to maintain the high morale and efficiency of the battery.”
DCM officially impressed: “57381 Sjt: T. Evans. 116/By 26/A Bde R.A.”
1914 Star officially impressed: “57381 Bmbr T. Evans. R.F.A.”
BWM & Victory Pair officially impressed: “57381 Sjt. T. Evans. R.A.” loss of initial from edge bruise to BWM.
Army LSGC officially impressed: “102514 Sjt T.E. Evans. D.C.M. R.A.”
Edge bruising and pitting from general wear, after receiving his medals he continued on his career as an NCO and wore them for at least another 10 years or so of active service.
Army LSGC awarded in Army Order 74/28 12th June 1928.
With extensive file of research, including his very detailed service records.
Thomas originally joined the army back in 1909, he served throughout the war and continued on to pension, first being discharged on 12th November 1928 to receive his pension, but chose to voluntarily re-enlist for extra service, leaving on 14th February 1930 holding the appointment of Battery Sergeant Major.
Thomas Edward Evans, was born on 5th December 1890 in Lady’s Bridge, Shrewsbury, Shropshire. The son of Thomas and Ann.
He first enlisted at Chester on 12th July 1909 as a Driver in the Royal Field Artillery.
He saw the following promotions: 24/12/1912 Acting Bombardier with 117 Battery, followed by Bombardier on 5th August 1914.
Acting Corporal on 5th march 1915, followed by Corporal on 17th July 1915, promoted to Sergeant on 23rd November 1915.
He saw the following postings:
Home, 12th July 1909 -15th August 1914
France, 16th August 1914 – 19th October 1918
On Furlough, 20th Oc 1918 – 3rd nov 1918
Return to France, 4th Nov 1918 – 15th Feb 1919
Home, 16th Feb 1919 – 3rd Nov 1919
India,- 4th Nov 1919 – 22nd April 1922
Home, 23rd April 1922 – 23rd October 1923
Germany, 24th October 1923 – 26th October 1926
Home 27th October 1926 – 12th Nov 1928.
Upon discharged in 1928 his character was said to have been “Good” “This NCO holds a good War Record. Is capable and Sober, is not as reliable as one would expect from his rank and experience.”