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IGS 1854 Persia Artillery


India General Service Medal 1854, bar Persia, Gunner J. Morrison, Artillery, one of the Honourable East India Company’s Bombay Artillery soldiers in the 1856-7 Anglo Persian War.

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SKU: J9201 Category:
Origin: United Kingdom
Good Very Fine


India General Service Medal 1854, bar Persia, Gunner J. Morrison, Artillery, one of the Honourable East India Company’s Solders in the 1856-7 Anglo Persian War. 


Officially impressed: “Gunner J. Morrison, Artillery.”


Should be Gunner James Morrison, of the 4th Company 1st Battalion Artillery.


Born in Rothsay, Argyle, signing up for unlimited service at Liverpool on 12th August 1840 in the HEIC’s Army being posted over to India on the ship “Simon Taylor” during 1840.


During the expedition to Persia, the Artillery, drawn from the HEIC’s Bombay Artillery, was commanded by Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Sinclair Tevelyan, Bombay Artillery.


Amongst the Artillery present was James’s 4th Company 1st Battalion “European Foot Artillery”, who were organised for the expedition under the name of the “5th Light Field Battery” under the command of Captain Henry Gibbard, Bombay Arty.