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British War Medal, India General Service Medal 1908, bar Afghanistan N.W.F. 1919, DM2-180054 Moses Doveston, Army Service Corps and Motor Transport

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SKU: J8789 Category:
Origin: United Kingdom
Nearly Extremely Fine


British War Medal, India General Service Medal 1908, bar Afghanistan N.W.F. 1919, DM2-180054 Moses Doveston, Army Service Corps and Motor Transport.


BWM officially impressed: “DM2-180054 Pte. M. Doveston. A.S.C.”

IGS officially impressed: “M2-180054 Pte M. Doveston M.T.”


Also earned the Victory Medal.


Moses Doveston, was born in Shropshire, on 28th September 1881.

Baptised at the Anglican Church in Preston on the Weald Moors on 30th October 1881.


The son of another Moses Doveston, a Blacksmith and Ruth.


Raised in a large household in Ealing, not including his Army Service he lived most of his life in Middlesex.


1901 Census lists him as a Iron Worker Labourer.


1911 Census records him as a Stoker


1939 Census records him as a Railway Blacksmith, living with the Wing Family in Ealing, he does not appear to have married.


He died in Ealing, Middlesex during October 1947.


A death notice in the Middlesex County Times, 6th December 1947.


“Moses Doveston passed away December 3rd, 1947. Funeral on Tuesday, December 9th. Ealing Cemetery, 2.15pm.”