1939-45 Star, Africa Star, Defence Medal, 1939-45 War Medal, General Service Medal, EIIR, bar Malaya, Major Eva Taylor, Queen Alexandra’s Royal Army Nursing Corps.
An interesting group to a high rank in the Nursing services.
Eva Taylor was born on 17th December 1909, during 1939 when the war broke out she was working as a Nurse at Netley Hospital.
She was appointed to Queen Alexandra’s Royal Army Nursing Corps on 8th September 1939.
Receiving an Emergency Commission in the London Gazette 2nd December 1941 to be a Sister as of 30th May 1941.
Promoted to Captain on 8th September 1943, she was later Temporary Major from 22nd March 1951 to 7th September 1951, before becoming a permanent Major on 8th September 1951.
She was still active as of 1963.